To those who have waited for so long, I am happy to inform you that Book III Spirit Blade is now available!
It was a challenge writing this one because of the time travel aspects of the story. I tried to make it as believable as possible since anything the heroes did could have an impact on the future. I believe most of the things regarding the heroes’ actions were explained, and I hope you enjoy the results of their adventure. This book should tie up any loose ends, and anything that was missed could eventually be explained in additional books on Kazin’s world, should I decide to write more books for this series. If you enjoyed this trilogy, please tell your friends about it. I value people’s comments, and will do what I can to improve my work whether it is existing books or future ones. Already, I have revisions that I will eventually be making for Book I Kazin’s Quest to make for better reading. It has been a learning curve that I now realize will never have an end. The stories can only get better!SKU-000737109_COVER
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