Sorry it took so long to place a new blog. My website was not cooperating for some time. However, the good news is Book II Cloak & Dagger is now available! Book III Spirit Blade is not far behind. I expect a rough draft any day now and will make any final changes to it before it is approved. Then it will complete the trilogy for those who wish to wait until the trilogy is complete.
I hope you all…..
Hi everyone! Thanks for your patience. I have attached an updated map of Kazin’s world for your reference. It is enhanced with a computer program and is easier to read. I am currently finishing the editing process for book II Cloak & Dagger and book III Spirit Blade and will be submitting them shortly to the publisher for finalizing. I know it has been a long time in coming, but you will soon be able to enjoy the continuation of…..
I wish to thank everyone for their patience in waiting for my next books to be released. I have had to come up with the funds to launch the books, and the time to continue work on the covers. The harsh winter and my three other jobs have put me behind schedule, but I hope to catch up this spring. The covers are currently being designed and a final edit of the books is underway. Unlike many other authors, these…..
The Role of Women in the Dragon Mage Trilogy.
Occasionally I have been asked how often and to what extent female characters have come up in my series. The truth is, there are nearly as many major female characters as there are male ones. In fact, some of the female characters have a more powerful, if less understood, magic at their disposal. In particular, the druids, who are all female, have a magical power over nature and the…..
images by
The dragons in Kazin’s world are a race of creatures who have disappeared shortly after the dragon wars ended, many decades before Kazin was born. They were a common sight in the realm before that, and were a threat to everyone, regardless of race. They didn’t fly around in droves causing havoc, but they did show themselves on a fairly frequent basis, usually…..
This week, instead of promoting my book, I’d like to share an idea with you. Read it through and see for yourself if it has merit. It has been on my mind of late and seems to make more sense every time I think about it. It’s the 4-10 Rule.
What do you think about creating a new standard? A standard that accomplishes a number of things. It can increase disposable income. It can reduce greenhouse gases emitted by automobiles…..
Kazin’s Quest is a book that I would like fantasy fans to enjoy for its multifaceted characters and story line. There is a lot happening simultaneously and there are many mysteries that become explained as the story goes on. It takes place in a world where magic is a common attribute for many of the people living there. The different types of magic makes for an interesting world where magical skills can complement or hinder one another,…..
When it comes to being creative, it helps to leave the civilized world behind and reattach oneself to nature. Observation of the world around you and how animals and birds interact gives a better understanding of how things are linked together. The human cities of concrete and steel tend to mute the fact that we, as different species, are all living on this planet together and rely on one another to share our habitat. Only by working together can we…..
This week I want to discuss what I’d like my readers to take away from reading my book. I want my readers to enjoy a fantasy novel that is rich in characters and has a story line that is believable, yet has surprises along the way. I want the reader to become a part of the story as if they were actually there.
I also want them to desire the success of the companions as they engage the dangers they…..
This week I have decided to elaborate on my reasons for writing a new fantasy trilogy. I have long enjoyed reading fantasy novels and loved a vast majority of them. That said, I have also encountered some novels which I found to be lacking with regard to depth of characters and plot. Too many novels were generic in nature, usually having a selection of characters that got together in a tavern and conspired to go out on a quest. The…..
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